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 Author  Dr Matthew Hannon
Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship
Strathclyde University Business School
 Last Updated  20 August 2019
 Status  Peer reviewed document
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Table 9.1: International Activities

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Table 9.1: International Activities

 Name  Type  Description  UK Contact Point
Clean Energy Transitions Programme IEA programme Launched in November 2017, the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP) is an ambitious effort to accelerate global clean energy transitions. The programme provides independent, cutting-edge support to governments whose energy policies will significantly influence the prospects for – and the speed of – the global transition towards more sustainable energy production and use.

The CETP is supported by 13 IEA Member governments. Within the IEA Secretariat, the CETP is set up horizontally, with each work stream led by the respective IEA division with subject matter expertise, along with support by respective IEA country officers. A central CETP co-ordination team helps to ensure efficient and effective operation across the entire programme.
Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) IEA Technology Collaboration Programme The Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) was a multilateral initiative, operating as an Implementing Agreement under the International Energy Agency (IEA). CTI s objective was to enable countries to work together to foster international co-operation for accelerated development and diffusion of climate-friendly and environmentally sound technologies and practices.

CTI participating countries implemented a broad range of co-operative activities in partnership with developing countries and countries in transition, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in particular the technology mechanism of the UNFCCC, relevant IEA Implementing Agreements, other international organizations or initiatives and the private business and financial communities.

CTI’s activities were:
  • Facilitation of private financing for technology transfer
  • Application of Clean Energy Technologies
  • Support assessment of Developing country technology needs
  • Capacity building
  • Outreach activities
  • CTI collaboration with TEC and CTC&N
Demand-Side Management (DSM) IEA Technology Collaboration Programme The TCP’s mission is to provide evidence from socio-technical research on the design, social acceptance and usability of clean energy technologies to inform policy making for clean, efficient and secure energy transitions. Decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation are embedding energy technologies in the heart of our communities. Communities’ response to these changes and use of energy technologies will determine the success of our energy systems. Poorly designed energy policies, and technologies that do not satisfy users’ needs, lead to ‘performance gaps’ that are both energy and economically inefficient. User-centred energy systems are therefore critical for delivering socially and politically acceptable energy transitions. David Shipworth Samuel Thomas
Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) IEA Technology Collaboration Programme The EBC TCP, created in 1977, carries out research and development efforts towards near-zero energy and carbon emissions in the built environment. Activities under the EBC TCP focus on the integration of energy-efficient and sustainable technologies into healthy buildings and communities. Malcolm Orme, AECOM
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) International network ECEEE, the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, is a membership-based non-profit association. As Europe’s largest and oldest NGO dedicated to energy efficiency, we generate and provide evidence-based knowledge and analysis of policies, and we facilitate co-operation and networking. Its members are found among private and public organisations, as well as among all those professionals from all sectors who share ECEEE’s goals. N/A
Energy Technology Systems Analysis (ETSAP) IEA Technology Collaboration Programme The ETSAP TCP, established in 1977, is among the longest running TCPs. Its mission is to support policy makers in improving the evidence base underpinning energy and environmental policy decisions. This is achieved through energy systems modelling tools and capability through a unique network of nearly 200 energy modelling teams from approximately seventy countries. The ETSAP TCP develops, improves and makes available the TIMES (and MARKAL) energy systems modelling platform. It also provides training to energy modellers to use this platform to build national, regional and global energy systems models. In addition, ETSAP supports policy makers in undertaking and interpreting energy technology assessments and scenario analysis to inform policy decisions. Kenneth Karlsson
European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI) International network The “European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation” (Eu-SPRI Forum) aims to strengthen the vibrant but dispersed interdisciplinary community of researchers focusing on interdisciplinary dimensions related to policy and governance in the field of knowledge creation and innovation. Debbie Cox, University of Manchester
International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) International network The IAEE is a worldwide non-profit professional organization which provides an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, experience and issues among professionals interested in energy economics. To achieve this goal, it publishes The Energy Journal – a quarterly, academic publication, and holds International American and European Energy Conferences each year. Benjamin J. Klooss, BP
LCS-RNet International network LCS-RNet is a practical platform of researchers/research organisations that are making close contributions to individual countries’ low-carbon policy-making processes. The basic nature of LCS-RNet is a platform to support and encourage information sharing and voluntary cooperation among research institutions, specifically in the field of LCS research. LCS-RNet also facilitates interactions between researchers and various stakeholders and delivers its findings to policy-makers to assist in science-based policy making during transitions to low-carbon societies. lcs-rnet@iges.or.jp
International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) IEA Technology Collaboration Programme The programme will consist of efforts to improve understanding of smart grid technologies, practices, and systems, to accelerate their development and deployment, and to promote adoption of related enabling government policies. It will create a network of national stakeholders to facilitate dynamic knowledge sharing, technical assistance, and project coordination, where appropriate, across five topic areas:

  • Policy, Standards and Regulation
  • Finance and Business Models
  • Technology and Systems Development
  • User and Consumer Engagement
  • Workforce, Skills and Knowledge
John Baker, EA Technology
Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN) International network STRN is an international network of more than 1,500 scholars interested in sustainability transitions. Sustainability transitions are long-term transformation processes of established industries, socio-technical systems and societies to more sustainable modes of production and consumption.

STRN is an entirely independent, research-driven network. Membership is open to anyone who is interested and involved in research on sustainability transitions. Mission is to deepen the scientific understanding of sustainability transitions through a program of networking, research coordination, education and synthesis activities. Towards this end it provides a meeting place and a platform, where researchers can engage in a vibrant intellectual exchange on the challenges of sustainability transitions. It is also a hub for practitioners in policy making, civil society, and business who are working to advance societies into more sustainable directions.
Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) International network The Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) is a group of policy makers and funding agencies working together to give substance to a new framing for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy that aims to contribute to addressing global societal challenges, as encapsulated in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, including climate change, inequality, employment and pathways to economic growth and development.

Co-ordinated by the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex in the UK, the current members are innovation ministries and funding agencies from Colombia, Finland, Mexico, Norway, South Africa and Sweden. There are additional associate programmes in China, Brazil, Panama, Netherlands, Senegal, Ghana, and Kenya. For more details, please see our members’ page.

TIPC is underpinned by recent work on the Three Frames of Innovation with Frame 3 being ‘Transformative Innovation Policy’ (Schot, Steinmueller 2018). Frame 1 refers to policies aimed at generating social benefits through R&D investment. While Frame 2 takes account of the systemic relationship between these investments, and the industrial and institutional framework of a country, the so-called National Systems of Innovation.
Johan Schot, Utrecht University

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